Foods To Make You Stay Fit But Full

Losing weight is never easy. There are people who start dieting and working out religiously but end up going back to their old ways. Hiding junk food and other no-nos in their Fulterer soft close drawer slides. Probably not many people know that there are superfoods that can keep you full but slim all at the same time. Superfoods are nutritional powerhouses that help build bones, prevent chronic diseases, improve eyesight, and keep your mind sharp. Some examples of superfoods are:
1. Steel-Cut Oats — because they are less processed than traditional oats, they are digested more slowly — keeping you full all morning long.
2. Avocados — their healthy fat keeps you satisfied and helps you absorb other nutrients. For a new twist, brush a halved avocado (pit removed) with olive oil and grill 1 minute. Serve with red onion, sliced grapefruit and balsamic vinegar.
3. Spinach — a half-cup provides more than five times your daily dose of vitamin K, which helps blood clot and builds strong bones.
4. Broccoli Sprouts — they have 10 times more of the cancer-preventing compound glucoraphanin than regular broccoli.
5. Salmon — you’ll get all the heart-smart omega-3s you need in a day from just 3 oz.
6. Brown Rice — it’s a top source of magnesium, a mineral your body uses for more than 300 chemical reactions (such as building bones and converting food to energy).
7. Black Beans — they are loaded with protein, fiber, and flavonoids — antioxidants that help your arteries stay relaxed and pliable.
8. Sweet Potatoes — half of a large baked sweet potato delivers more than 450% of your daily dose of vitamin A, which protects your vision and your immune system.
9. Soy Milk — A good source of vegetable protein, calcium-enriched soy milk has as much calcium and vitamin D as cow’s milk.
10. Eggs — each egg has 6 grams of protein but just 72 calories. No wonder researchers at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, found that eating eggs for breakfast (as part of a low-cal diet) helps you slim down.