How Helmets Can Save Your Life (And Face)

Motorcycle helmets have been proven to be effective in reducing motorcycle deaths. Even if you’re riding in a state that doesn’t have helmet laws, you should always wear a helmet. Motorcycle helmets reduce the risk of head injuries by 69 percent. Helmets save billions of dollars in economic costs every year.
How Helmets Protect Your Head
Wearing a helmet reduces the wind noise and force blowing in your face. This can help you hear other cars and stay focused on your driving. Your helmet also protects against sun glare, which keeps you safer on the road. The best street motorcycle helmets absorb the impact of a collision if you do hit he ground, reducing the severity of injuries to your skull.
Full Frontal Helmets Protect Your Face
Your brain and skull aren’t the only potential injuries in a crash. Your nose, eyes and jawbones are also at risk of serious injury. According to Reuters, helmeted bikers have a 60-percent less chance of serious facial injuries. Motorcycle gear isn’t just stylish, it’s also functional.
Wear a Helmet, Save Your Life
According to the Advocates for Highway & Auto Safety, motorcycles are the “most hazardous form” of transportation. There are more serious injuries and fatalities on motorcycles than any other vehicle, disproportionately so. One study found that motorcyclists who wore helmets also had fewer cervical injuries than those who didn’t wear helmets. It’s not just your face and head at risk.
Unfortunately, many states have reverted their all-helmets laws, giving riders a choice as to whether they wear a helmet or not. Motorcycle helmets were designed to save lives and protect riders, not be a burden.
You should replace your helmet every five years to take advantage of newer technologies and to ensure your helmet meets all relevant standards. Shop for motorcycle helmets with a trusted dealer today and protect your head and face when you’re on the road.